2025 Fresh Brook Restoration Project Update
Cape Cod Trout Unlimited (CCTU) is proud to share our involvement in the conservation efforts to restore Fresh Brook, an important stream in Wellfleet, MA with historic connections to sea-run brook trout, also known as salters.
At the end of November 2024, eight chapter members and local supporters joined Geoff Sanders, Chief of Natural Resource Management and Science for the Cape Cod National Seashore, for a two-hour walk along Fresh Brook. Geoff highlighted the location of the drop culvert on the upstream side of the Cape Cod Rail Trail, which currently blocks the brook’s direct connection to Wellfleet Bay. Exciting progress has already made with the permitting process to remove the culvert, including a team delineating the wetland areas as a critical first step.
Timeline and Next Steps
Geoff shared that the permitting process is expected to be completed by March 2025. Once that phase is complete, the project will proceed with an initial archaeological review to identify any historically significant sites along the brook, such as remnants of a former village or possible Indigenous sites. A follow-up archaeological review will take place after the removal of the drop culvert, which will lower the pond level by approximately two feet, exposing parts of the natural stream bank for the first time in over a century. These preparatory steps are critical for ensuring the project moves forward smoothly. Once completed, the next step will be to set a date to begin the restoration.
Funding Efforts
Funding remains a top priority to support the archaeological work and the eventual construction phase. CCTU has a grant application pending with the town of Wellfleet, as well as additional grant requests with the Massachusetts Council, Greater Boston Chapter, and Nor’East Chapter of Trout Unlimited. In addition to grants, this project relies heavily on individual donations. Your support can make a big impact, so please consider contributing to this important initiative. Cape Cod Trout Unlimited is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and all donations are tax-deductible
Winter Walks and Opportunities to Get Involved
More walks along Fresh Brook are planned this winter, weather permitting, to showcase the progress and share updates. Anyone interested in joining future walks or would like more information on the restoration project can contact us at [email protected].
Looking Ahead
The long-term goal of the Fresh Brook restoration project is to install 8-foot-square box culverts beneath both the Cape Cod Rail Trail and Route 6. While there is no set timeline for this phase, we remain committed to making it a reality. Once the drop culvert is removed, Massachusetts Fish and Wildlife will reintroduce sea-run brook trout from the Quashnet, Mashpee, and Red Brook into Fresh Brook. For the first time in over 100 years, these trout will have a direct connection between the upper stream and Wellfleet Bay.
Thank you to all who joined the November walk, including CCTU members Joe and Joan Swaluk, John Redding, Jim Gilbert, Zyg Plater, Roberta and Peter Schilling, and local fisherman and fly tier Randy Waterman. Your support and enthusiasm for the Fresh Brook restoration project are vital to its success.
Together, we are working to restore Fresh Brook and bring back the historic sea-run brook trout population. Stay tuned for updates, and we look forward to seeing you on a future walk or at one of our events!